We had about 4 inches of snow and ice hit the farm during the night - the farm looks like a winter wonderland. How beautiful it is.
Of course, doing the feeding this am and pm was very cold.
My chickens, whom we call "The Ladies" did not come out of the coop today. They were not interested in the snow. They did not have their chicken boots on. They were nice enough to lay 5 eggs for us. We have 8 chickens - just enough to keep us and the family in eggs.
We had a piano tuner come to the house the other day and he wanted to know where we got our pink chickens. We have 3 dominic leghorns and with this red Georgia clay - they are definitely not white anymore. They lay the biggest white eggs. We have 4 Rhode Island Reds and 1 Red Star. Of course, these 5 lay brown eggs. For those of you who do not know this, please use the brown eggs just like a white egg. I gave some of my precious eggs to a friend who I found out later threw the brown eggs away because she did not know what to do with them. I thought at first she was kidding - NOT!!!. No more eggs for her.
This is a picture of my husband and our oldest granddaughter. for those of you who have seen the Hannah Montana movie, Ali wanted to paint our chicken coop with bright colors just like the one in the movie.
This is an inside picture of the barn during the morning feeding. Our granddaughter loves the horses, in particular, Lady, her horse.
Can you believe this is Georgia?
All the children and grandchildren came over today to play in the snow. We cooked homemade chicken and rice soup with a pone of cornbread. I love to cook and it is difficult to cook for just 2. They have all gone home now and the house is so quiet. How quickly the years have flown - I so miss my small children. Thank goodness they live close by so I can see my children and grandchildren when I want to.
I love my family so very much.
I will sign off now and go look at seed catalogs and plan my spring garden. I do love to garden and can. My Grandmother and Mother taught me how to can.
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